
RegistryPolicyFile: registrypolicyfile parser returns unsupported valueType for dword and qword resources

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Details of the scenario you tried and the problem that is occurring

The DSC wrapper module for gpregistrypolicydsc experiencesconstant corrective changes and warnings when managing reg_dword resources due to a case mismatch in the GPRegistryPolicyFileParser.psm1 and the valuemap within the resources schema file.

The GetRegTypeString() method in GPRegistryPolicyFileParser.psm1 is returning the the following unsupported values:

  • 'DWord'
  • 'QWord'

The expected values should be:

  • 'Dword'
  • 'Qword'

The file parser should output values aligned with the resource's schema file:

[Write, Description("Indicates the type of the value."), ValueMap{"Binary","Dword","ExpandString","MultiString","Qword","String","None"}, Values{"Binary","Dword","ExpandString","MultiString","Qword","String","None"}] String ValueType;

Verbose logs showing the problem

During a Puppet run, the dsc_registrypolicyfile resource generates warnings the existing registry file valuetype has been set to DWord. The schema expects this value to resolve as Dword

Warning: Provider returned data that does not match the Type Schema for `dsc_registrypolicyfile[Remove access to use all Windows Update features (Configure notifications)]`
Value type mismatch:
   * dsc_valuetype: DWord (expects an undef value or a match for Enum['Binary', 'Dword', 'ExpandString', 'MultiString', 'None', 'Qword', 'String'], got 'DWord')

Suggested solution to the issue

Update the GetRegTypeString() method in GPRegistryPolicyFileParser.psm1 to return the correct valuetype's aligned with the resource schema mof file.

  1. RegType REG_DWORD should output Dword instead of DWord.
  2. RegType REG_QWORD should output Qword instead of QWord.


    [System.String] GetRegTypeString()
        [System.String] $result = ''

        switch ($this.ValueType)
                $Result = 'DWord'
                $Result = 'QWord'
                $Result = ''
        return $result


    [System.String] GetRegTypeString()
        [System.String] $result = ''

        switch ($this.ValueType)
                # Return Dword instead of DWord
                $Result = 'Dword'
                # Return Qword instead of QWord
                $Result = 'Qword'
                $Result = ''
        return $result

Version of the DSC module that was used

Version 1.2.0.

@johlju @PlagueHO @gaelcolas @danielboth @jcwalker
Please review and assist where possible, should be a simple matter of swapping from upper to lower case for the affected characters.

Since PowerShell normally is doing case-insensitive matching this is usually not an issue. If this cannot be resolved at the Puppet side, I suggest to avoid getting a regression that the resource (not the helper method of the class) should just output the value in either upper-case or lower-case depending on what is most appropriate. Add a unit test that validates that the resource actually always returns all values correctly. There should also be a unit test that also checks the MOF file so that the values there are not changed from either lower-case or upper-case (depending on the previous choice in the code).

@johlju Thanks for reviewing this issue and the PR #35. I'll review the code to see if the suggestion is possible.