
Suddenly doesn't update

stipus opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello, and thanks for your tool.
Suddenly I can't get the service to update the hover dns record.

I stopped the systemctl service and tried a dry run. Here is the output (sensitive info changed to XXX YYY blah blah.com):

stipus@ventilo:~$ hover-ddns -version
hover-ddns version 0.5.1, commit 9e7bb25, built at 2021-08-29T14:25:53Z by goreleaser

stipus@ventilo:~$ hover-ddns -debug -verbose -dry-run -config /etc/hover-ddns.yaml
INFO[0000] Getting public IPv4...
WARN[0000] Failed to get public ip: Didn't get any results for the query
INFO[0000] Received public IP
INFO[0000] Getting public IPv6...
INFO[0000] Received public IP 2a01:cb00:8a83:3a00:f22f:XXXX:YYYY:ZZZ
INFO[0000] --- Processing host ventilo.blahblah.com ---
INFO[0000] Resolving current IPv6...
INFO[0000] Received current IPv6 2a01:cb00:8a83:3a00:f22f:XXXX:YYYY:ZZZ
INFO[0000] v6 DNS entry already up to date - nothing to do.

It's not receiving the ip v4 address.

If I try manually from api.ipify I get it
curl -s https://api.ipify.org\?format\=text

For IPV6
curl 'https://api64.ipify.org?format=text'

At the end of /etc/hover-ddns.yaml, I have opendns as public_ip_provider. Is there another one I could try ?

disable_ipv4: false
disable_ipv6: false
cron_expression: "*/15 * * * *"
dns_server: ""
force_update: false
service: opendns

Thanks !

It looks like there is no OpenDNS response received. I'm wondering if there is is an issue with the way I configured the OpenDNS public IP provider. I don't have a real DualStack setup here so that's hard to test for me.
Do the following commands run on the same machine provide your correct public IPv4?
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com -4

If you want to use a different provider in the meantime, you have the option to either configure

  service: ipify

or (in case these addresses can be retrieved from a local WAN interface):

  service: local_interface
  interface_name: en0

Which is something, I'm going to add to the Readme now :).

stipus@ventilo:~$ dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
--> returns nothing

stipus@ventilo:~$ dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com -4
--> returns my correct ip v4 address

stipus@ventilo:~$ dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com -6
--> returns nothing

dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com -6 -t "AAAA"
--> returns my correct ip v6 address

Changing public_ip_provider service to ipify finds the right ipv4 address, but doesn't support ipv6

stipus@ventilo:/etc$ hover-ddns -debug -verbose -dry-run -config /etc/hover-ddns.yaml
INFO[0000] Getting public IPv4...
INFO[0000] Received public IP 90.63.XXX.YYY
INFO[0000] Getting public IPv6...
WARN[0000] Failed to get public ip: Provider doesn't support IPv6 yet
INFO[0000] Received public IP
INFO[0000] --- Processing host ventilo.blahblah.com ---
INFO[0000] Resolving current IPv4...
INFO[0000] Received current IPv4 90.63.XXX.YYY
INFO[0000] v4 DNS entry already up to date - nothing to do.

Temporarily, I only need the A record to be correct. I can keep the ipify service. Thanks a lot for the suggestion

Hmm, I've tried on a server with v4 and v6 connectivity and both
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com -4
return my current v4 address.
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com -6
does not because I guess OpenDNS doesn't return your v4 address via a v6 DNS request.

Maybe there is something unusual or has changed with your local DNS resolver?

Regardless, I've also made a change to hard-code the IP address of OpenDNS resolvers. I guess there is no good reason to use their hostnames anyway. Could you try the snapshot below again with the opendns config and see if that solves your issue? Thanks!


I just so happened to stumble into this problem a minute ago. I can confirm that the snapshot solves the problem!

Thanks for your help - version 0.5.2 has been released now to address this issue.
Closing this now but please feel free to re-open in case there are more problems after all.