
Watcher task crashes

bautistaaa opened this issue · 10 comments

I searched the issues and didn't see this and it could possibly be an issue on my end.
When I pull the latest version it looks like in gulp/utils.js line 51 my code says
if (exitOnError) { process.exit(1); } else { undefined.emit("end"); }

so it clearly fails in the else. however in your repo i see you changed it to this.emit.
I'm assuming that would show up in the package im getting as well?

Weird that you get undefined there :o
Indeed it should be this so that it just keeps the watcher alive...

I took that code from there: http://blog.ibangspacebar.com/handling-errors-with-gulp-watch-and-gulp-plumber/

One possibility is that the project's build breaks that code and I didn't notice

The issue might be cause by the arrow function...

if you install your package are you getting the same thing? I was feeling like it was just me since no one else has complained about it :(

I'm also seeing that error

I'm pretty sure it's caused by the arrow function, it can't work like this

nice! thanks!

theres no instruction for upgrade

Just bump the dependency to 0.5.4, that should be enough I think: https://github.com/dsebastien/modernWebDevBuild/blob/master/UPGRADE.MD