
can't find game id without using the main website

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Goal: to be able to use the game id in order to pull other information

Error: the game id doesn't seem to be available other than through using the giantbomb.com website and searching for a title there.

Tried: Reading through the documentation to find another means to pull the id but it seems that you can only pull an id once you already have it, which seems backwards...

Can you show what you've tried and what the result was? Errors and such are particularly useful.

I'm using the Giant Bomb API (http://www.giantbomb.com/api/documentation) and when searching for games you're required to input the game ID to pull up a specific title:

The 3030-4725 is the game ID. The trouble with searching for other games is I don't have the ID. If I run a search query (http://api.giantbomb.com/search/?query=uncharted&resource=games&api_key=1a0effe0dad7cdafec30c79bceba8607dec50647&format=json) I get too many responses, so I'm thinking I need to search by platform as well but that won't work either.

For my example of Uncharted above, those are PS3 games (platform ID: 35) and when I try to enter that into the search parameters to then pull the title I want it doesn't work.


Can you show an example of the code you ran and the error you run into? If the problem is that you get WAY TOO MANY RESULTS, just show us a few lines and indicate that there's many more. You can use three backticks followed by the word 'ruby' on a single line and
three backticks on another single line to wrap code .

Dmitry and I have met and agreed that it will be difficult to narrow down search results without making assumptions about user's desired results. Found and spiked on Giantbomb gem. Moving forward with that.