
it doesn't copy all .map files

mariodeci opened this issue · 2 comments

if I want to add all .map files, I configure "exclude" attributes in this way:
excludes: [
'/test//*', '//Gruntfile.js', '//gulpfile.js', '//package.json', '//package-lock.json',
/bower.json', '//composer.json', '//yarn.lock', '//webpack.config.js', '//README*',
'//LICENSE*', '//CHANGELOG*', '//*.yml', '//.md', '/**/.coffee', '//*.ts', '//.scss', '/**/.less'
(all the default, but without **/*.map)
but it doesn't copy all .map files of my npm depedencies

Hi, @mariodeci
I've added option replaceDefaultExcludes. For your case, you have to set true

Thanks I'll try it