
This wraps www::mechanize and duplicates the basic function calls, biggest thing is auto requesting after timeouts, changes UA

Primary LanguagePerl


This wraps www::mechanize and duplicates the basic function calls, biggest thing is auto requesting after timeouts. Will first pause rand() < 30 seconds, then after 3 failures it will pause 60 seconds, then 5 minutes...this will also start to change and use random user agents.

#skzz_util This has a bunch of cool stuff, everything from using regexes to clean a string or an array, manipulates dates to different dates (even written dates to MySQL format), use regex to extract a link, a date, a number, some pretty print functions, etc etc. BTW don't "use" it, just make sure its in your library and call function directly

 skzz_util::clean_all( $str );

Here's a list of all the stuff in skz_util.

 sub clean_all
 sub clean_all_tags
 sub trim_hash
 sub clean_hash
 sub clean_trim
 sub timestamp
 sub get_day_stamp
 sub get_timestamp
 sub convert_mdy_to_sql
 sub convert_sql_to_mdy
 sub split_date_and_time_for_sql
 sub convert_date_to_sql
 sub convert_date_to_short
 sub date_to_sql
 sub parse_time_from_sql
 sub parse_date
 sub convert_letter_date_to_sql
 sub random
 sub time_w_meridian_to_sql
 sub process_time_to_sql
 sub find_in_content_tag
 sub regex_clean_trim
 sub regex_extract_link
 sub regex_extract_number
 sub regex_extract_date
 sub find_regex_in_string
 sub uniq
 sub search_term_against_list
 sub search_term_against_list_pure
 sub phash
 sub parray
 sub print_char_codes
 sub print_hash
 sub print_hash_sorted
 sub print_array
 sub clean_tbl_for_view
 sub trim
 sub clean_small_date
 sub remove_zero_from_date
 sub add_leading_zeros
 sub test_col_vs_str_layout
 sub test_str_vs_str_layout
 sub dump_array_to_file
 sub dump_file
 sub undump_file
 sub undump_file_str
 sub print_all_methods_in_package
 sub sentence_case