
README: Google Code link is no longer supported

austin226 opened this issue · 1 comments

From the README:

Download and install libanki. You can find the latest release of Anki here:


Look for a *.tgz file with a Summary of "Anki Source". At the time of this writing that is anki-2.0.11.tgz.

There are no longer any download links at http://code.google.com/p/anki/downloads/list, and based on Google Code's end-of-life status, I doubt they will ever be restored.

I was able to find the Anki source via the following method:

Go to https://apps.ankiweb.net/

In the section "Download Anki" select "Linux/BSD".

In the "Other Options" section, there should be a link reading "Source .tgz". At the time of writing this file is called "anki-2.0.45.tgz".

The README should be updated to provide a working path to download the Anki source.

Looks like this is covered in #20