Skipping a text file
frankcohen opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi, thanks for publishing and maintaining TinyUntar. I am using the branch that appears in ESP32-targz, a tar decompression utility for ESP32 devices. A decompressed archive skips a text file containing JSON encoded data. It successfully decompresses audio (.m4a) and video (.mpg) binary files in the same archive.
I am creating the TAR archive on a Mac using:
COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar czf startup.tar.gz --exclude ".DS_Store" startup
Without these flags ESP32-targz skips all files after the .DS_Store and other files beginning with a period.
Perhaps this is not a TinyUntar issue, I thought I would check just in case.
Thanks! -Frank
I found the problem and posted a patch to the ESP32-targz library as Issue #33. Also I posted to Reddit my developer journal of using ESP32-targz with TinyUntar as Using TAR files in ESP32 with SD applications for easy multiple file transfers
And my use of TinyUntar is at