
ComAliasNameAttribute unsupported

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The .NET Runtime offers the ability to map datatypes using the ComAliasNameAttribute.

This is currently unsupported by dscom.

Contributions welcome

Just to note - this is only used during import, not export. I do not think tlbexp.exe nor regasm.exe will actually use it; it is only decorated by the tblimp.exe for generating a PIA.

You can see it's listed under the heading of conversion tools with the following paragraph:

The following table describes attributes that COM interop tools apply during the conversion process. You do not apply these attributes at design time.

The attributes in listed in the first table above would be used during the type library export.

If you intend to use it for export, it probably may be better as a new attribute rather than overloading the ComAliasNameAttribute beyond its original scope.

Oh, I thought it was for export as well. Closing the issue.