
git-issue's repository is not very friendly to direct editing

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Sorry, this issue is a bit out there, and it's really more like some vague feedback, so feel free to close this; though, I hope this kind of feedback would be helpful anyway.

Essentially, I was looking for a tool to do the following:

  • Clone issues for a GitHub project into a git repository
  • Use my text editor to edit these locally (add/remove tags; convert personal TODO notes into issues; edit or close issues as they are fixed without leaving the text editor)
  • Push these changes back to GitHub issues.

It looks like git-issue is very close to fitting this use case (esp. once #38 is implemented), however, its git repository seems somewhat hostile to direct editing.

In case a restructuring of the git repository is planned for the future, perhaps direct editing could be considered as a design goal. Some ideas:

  • Flatten the issues directory to one top-level directory per issue. The directory name could be in the form of ISSUEID-human-readable-description-here.
  • Rename other root directories ("imports" / "templates") to have a leading ., or other character that cannot occur in an issue ID.
  • Assign file names for issue comments so that lexicographical filename sorting coincides with chronological sorting
  • Use an appropriate file extension (.txt) for file names, to aid editing in desktop environments which have a heavy emphasis on assocating file names with applications.

Hope this helps.

Thank you! I can see the rationale behind this proposal. However, I fear that at the current stage of development this would have to be a new project. I think you can achieve some of the tasks you describe with a bit of scripting.