Leaking bindings when the channel reply times out?
dustinconrad opened this issue · 3 comments
In PhxPush.kt
* Starts the Timer which will trigger a timeout after a specific delay
* in milliseconds is reached.
fun startTimeout() {
val ref = this.channel.socket.makeRef()
this.ref = ref
val refEvent = this.channel.replyEventName(ref)
this.refEvent = refEvent
// If a response is received before the Timer triggers, cancel timer
// and match the received event to it's corresponding hook.
this.channel.on(refEvent) {
this.receivedMessage = it
// Check if there is an event status available
val message = it
message.status?.let {
this.matchReceive(it, message)
// Start the timer. If the timer fires, then send a timeout event to the Push
this.timeoutTimer = Timer()
this.timeoutTimer?.schedule(timeout) {
trigger("timeout", HashMap())
I think what is happenign is that if the timeout actually happens then a Message like PhxMessage(ref=chan_reply_8, topic=, event=, payload={status=timeout}, joinRef=null)
is triggered. This is fine. However the bindings created with this.channel.on(refEvent)
are never removed.
It should. if chan_reply_8
is received, then cancelRefEvent()
will be called which will call this.channel.off(this.refEvent)
Not saying there isn't a bug somewhere, but this is at least the intended logic
The timeout message never triggers the added reply binding is what I am saying. The timeout message looks like PhxMessage(ref=chan_reply_8, topic=, event=, payload={status=timeout}, joinRef=null)
. Note that the topic and event are empty.
//In PhxPhush.kt
* Triggers an event to be sent through the Channel
fun trigger(status: String, payload: Payload) {
val mutPayload = payload.toMutableMap()
mutPayload["status"] = status
refEvent?.let {
//ref, topic, event, payload
val message = PhxMessage(it, "", "", mutPayload)
//In PhxChannel.kt
* Triggers an event to the correct event binding created by `channel.on("event")
* @param message: Message that was received that will be sent to the correct binding
fun trigger(message: PhxMessage) {
val handledMessage = onMessage(message)
//the event here is the empty string. The binding was made for 'chan_reply_8' event.
this.bindings[message.event]?.forEach { it.second(handledMessage) }
I think if the timeout trigger message was PhxMessage(it, "", refEvent, mutPayload) then things would work as intended. I can open a pull request with a proposed fix and some tests in the next day or two. I wasn't sure what the intended behavior was until your comment.
Resolved in 0.1.8