
Repo Cleanup

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Directory Structure

  • Clean, Well named set of directories. Examples include webapp, database, and models.
  • No random files in the root.
  • Explanation of each directory in README.
  • Sub-README's in appropriate folders
  • No directories named after DSSG specific info (ie, person names)
  • Should your team have more than one project, each should have it its own repo.
  • In your data or database folder, provide a way to re-create your database from scratch. .sql files are often appropriate for this.


  • Links to appropriate sections in wiki. See wiki issue for more info.
  • Answers: What have you built? In a few sentences.
  • Answers: How do you install it?
  • Answers: What needs to be done/How can I help?
  • Has some sort of Contact Info
  • Open source license
  • Future Issues opened.


  • No public facing config info - Make sure never to hardcode in database url, password, etc.
  • Description of how you hide config info, ie yaml, environment variables, etc
  • config.example files
  • Requirements.txt or similar file.
  • Relative links in any html.