
make patch_mac_m1 fails

Closed this issue · 3 comments

All previous steps work perfectly but then:

(env-tf-poet-3.10) bob@Roberts-Mac-mini py-poetry-m1 % make patch_mac_m1
conda install -y -c apple tensorflow-deps
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - tensorflow-deps

Current channels:

  - https://conda.anaconda.org/apple/osx-64
  - https://conda.anaconda.org/apple/noarch
  - https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/osx-64
  - https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/noarch
  - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/osx-64
  - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/noarch
  - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/r/osx-64
  - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/r/noarch


(env-tf-poet-3.10) bob@Roberts-Mac-mini py-poetry-m1 % conda info

     active environment : env-tf-poet-3.10
    active env location : /Users/bob/opt/miniconda3/envs/env-tf-poet-3.10
            shell level : 2
       user config file : /Users/bob/.condarc
 populated config files : /Users/bob/.condarc
          conda version : 22.11.1
    conda-build version : not installed
         python version : 3.8.15.final.0
       virtual packages : __archspec=1=x86_64
       base environment : /Users/bob/opt/miniconda3  (writable)
      conda av data dir : /Users/bob/opt/miniconda3/etc/conda
  conda av metadata url : None
           channel URLs : https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/osx-64
          package cache : /Users/bob/opt/miniconda3/pkgs
       envs directories : /Users/bob/opt/miniconda3/envs
               platform : osx-64
             user-agent : conda/22.11.1 requests/2.28.2 CPython/3.8.15 Darwin/22.3.0 OSX/10.16
                UID:GID : 501:20
             netrc file : None
           offline mode : False

Apple Mini M1 - Ventura 13.2.1

Maybe my problem is related to conda using osx-64 and not arm

May I also ask why is it you need to use conda and cannot do a poetry only install?

Thank you very much for this very interesting repo.

Thank you for your question.
I'm using conda because some packages required to be precompiled for the ARM architecture.
I followed a tutorial like here.

I think you are right with the assumption conda is using the wrong channel (osx-64). Maybe there something wrong with your installation of conda?

Might well be, will investigate.

However because I could not install with conda I switched to poetry (which as you know uses PyPI) and it works like a charm:

poetry new m1tfgpu
cd m1tfgpu
poetry add tensorflow-macos==2.9.2
poetry add tensorflow-metal==0.5.0
poetry shell

and then I ran a training benchmark which confirms the M1 GPU acceleration.

Take care.

Very interesting. Maybe that changed since I tried it maybe a year ago.
I will have a look at it.