
badauth when trying to use DynDNS API

RHuehne opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi There,

The update via Web is working - but actually only over the

http(s)//example.com/update?secret=[SHARED_SECRED]&domain=[HOSTNAME]&addr=[IP] url.

When using /v2/update I'm getting a badauth back in the browser, even if i use the following auth method.


in the Log:
2020/07/24 19:07:14 Invalid shared secret:

Am I doing something wrong, or is this basic-auth feature which the Dyn-compatible url uses not working anymore??
Sadly I think I will need this working, if I want to use it with some zywall device....

Cheers, Rainer

Hey, can you try setting a password with no special chars, just once for testing and see if it's at least printed in the logs?

I had the same Problem and i uused a password with no special chars.

Seems like the API for the DynDNS compatible API endpoints is a bit different. You can test it with this curl command:

curl -su "karl:s3cr3t" "https://ddns.myhost.org/v3/update?hostname=test1&myip="

The auth data has to be provided via basic auth. I hope this helps.