
Can an element access to other fields on the same VMContext?

jersiovic opened this issue · 2 comments

This is a fragment of the render method of the component I use for my view:

render() {
        const { formMode, loading, currentId } = this.state;
        return ( 
            <VMContext vm="RateVM"
                ref={el => this.VMContext= el}
                onStateChange={state => { if (state) { this.setState({ loading: state.Loading, currentId: state.Id, formMode: state.FormMode }) } }} >
                {!loading &&

CRUDToolbar inherits by the moment from React.Component.

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import dotnetify from 'dotnetify';
import { Scope } from 'dotnetify';
import { withTheme, Modal, TextAreaField, VMContext, Form, Element,DataGrid, DropdownList, Alert, Panel, TextField, Button  } from 'dotnetify-elements';

export const FormModeEnum = { browse: 0, update: 1, new: 2 };
dotnetify.debug = true;

class CRUDToolbar extends React.Component {
    createButton = (cmdButtonProps) => {
        return <Button id={cmdButtonProps.id}
            show={(this.props.formMode === FormModeEnum.browse)}

    createButtons = (cmdButtons) => {
        if (cmdButtons)
            return cmdButtons.map(this.createButton);
    render() {
        const { ...props } = this.attrs;
        const isBrowseable = () => this.props.formMode === FormModeEnum.browse;

        return (
            <Panel horizontal>
                <Button label="Edit" id="Edit" show={isBrowseable() && (this.props.IdToLoad > 0)}  />
                <Button label="Save" id="SubmitUpdate" submit show={this.props.formMode === FormModeEnum.update} />
                <Button label="Save" id="SubmitNew" submit show={this.props.formMode === FormModeEnum.new}  />
                <Button label="Cancel" id="Cancel" secondary show={this.props.formMode !== FormModeEnum.browse} />
                <Panel right>
                    <Button label="Add" id="Add" show={isBrowseable()} />
export default CRUDToolbar;

The question is: If CRUDToolbar inherits from React.Component could it access directly to other properties in the viewmodel to don't need to receive IdToLoad and FormMode as parameters?

It has to inherit from Element to get access to the VMContext state. See the Customization page in the website.

Thank you