cisco nexus 93180 fx3 not working
Closed this issue · 6 comments
I got an issue when integrate nx 93180fx3 nxos 10.2(5) with telegraft (your repository).
My configuration below:
certificate /bootflash/cert.pem telegraf
destination-group 1
ip address x.x.x.1 port 57000 protocol gRPC encoding GPB
certificate /bootflash/cert.pem telegraf
sensor-group 1
data-source NATIVE
path microburst
subscription 1
dst-grp 1
snsr-grp 1 sample-interval 0
show telemetry transport
Session Id Dst Grp IP Address Port Encoding Transport Status
0 1 x.x.x.1 57000 GPB gRPC Transmit Error
I tried telnet from nexus switch to x.x.x.1 port 57000, port listen and telnet work fine. Any idea to resolve the issue?
Not sure whether the collector is reachable from default vrf, as it will use default vrf by default, if you would like to change the vrf, add below commands to telemetry configuration:
certificate /bootflash/telegraf.crt telegraf
use-vrf management
Correct. I added use-vrf default and the status is corrected now. But I can't get any microburst metrics (check micrburst event on switch had).
I created an issue on CiscoDevNet/nx-telemetry-proto#2
telegraf plugin need be updated, will create a PR on telegraf soon
PR opened. influxdata/telegraf#13877
the PR has been merged into the telegraf, closing this issue