
iamp: error in generated config file

donkeyx opened this issue · 0 comments

I am seeing this error when using attampting to generate the entire stack, so I have run this iamp specifically and get the same result. There are others after this issue but though I would start with this.

10044 ◯  terraforming iamp > iamp.tf
don ॐ  ~/mywork/terraform/stack-terraform:
10045 ◯  terraform plan

Error: Error loading ./stack-terraform/iamp.tf: Error reading config for aws_iam_policy[allowUserToSelfServiceMFA]: parse error at 38:56: expected "}" but found ":"
 20 resource "aws_iam_policy" "DEV-Workflow-UploadS3" {
 21     name        = "DEV-Workflow-UploadS3"
 22     path        = "/"
 23     description = ""
 24     policy      = <<POLICY
 25 {
 26   "Version": "2012-10-17",
 27   "Statement": [
 28     {
 29       "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
 30       "Effect": "Allow",
 31       "Action": [
 32         "s3:PutObject",
 33         "s3:GetObject",
 34         "s3:PutObjectAcl"
 35       ],
 36       "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::asdfasdf-ci-uploads/*"
 37     }
 38   ]
 39 }
 41 }