
Add support for NetCDF files following the UGRID convention

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe the New Feature

This new feature request was originally combined with #1954 but has been split off into this separate issue.

MET needs to be enhanced to supported gridded NetCDF files following the UGRID convention (Conventions = "UGRID"):

Recommend doing development using both LFRic and MPAS NetCDF files side-by-side. This will require a new vx_data2d_ugrid library to extract data from these NetCDF files. In addition, it'll require a new unstructured grid class in the vx_grid library.

The UGRID grid class will need to link to the source NetCDF file since it must be queried while working with it. One key piece of functionality will be instantiating a kdtree for that UGRID. Recommend leveraging an external C++ library rather than coding that up ourselves.

Some pieces of functionality we'll need to add are:

  • Enhance Point-Stat to verify points natively on the UGRID.
  • Consider parallelizing the loop for interpolating model data to point locations to make it as fast as possible.
  • Support nearest neighbor as well as the min/max/uw_mean/dw_mean of the nearest N points.
  • Enhance Grid-Stat and Series-Analysis to compare UGRID to UGRID on the same grid.

Future considerations include:

  • Using lookup tables to make the interpolation to point locations more efficient rather than calling kdtrees.

Acceptance Testing

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2799991 Met Office METplus Support & 7705991 MPAS participation

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Consider the impact to the other METplus components.

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  • Complete the development and test your changes.
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Some MPAS grid file examples and information are here: https://mpas-dev.github.io/atmosphere/atmosphere_meshes.html

hsoh-u commented

UGridConfig_default is introduced. The dimension names and variable names should be added to support more unstructured grid files.

I used "face" instead of "cell" from UGRID Conventions (v1.0).
This is for MPAS (first name) and LFric (second name). node and edges are for the future implemenations:

ugrid_metadata_map = [
   { key = "dim_face";  val = "nCells,nMesh2d_face"; },
   { key = "dim_node";  val = "nVertices,nMesh2d_node"; },
   { key = "dim_edge";  val = "nEdges,nMesh2d_edge"; },
   { key = "dim_time";  val = "Time,time_counter"; },
   { key = "dim_vert";  val = "nVertLevels"; },
   { key = "cell_id";   val = "indexToCellID,"; },
   { key = "lat_face";  val = "latCell,Mesh2d_face_y"; },
   { key = "lon_face";  val = "lonCell,Mesh2d_face_x"; },
   { key = "vert_face"; val = "zCell"; },
   { key = "lat_edge";  val = "latEdge,Mesh2d_edge_y"; },
   { key = "lon_edge";  val = "lonEdge,Mesh2d_edge_x"; },
   { key = "lat_node";  val = "latVertex,Mesh2d_node_y"; },
   { key = "lon_node";  val = "lonVertex,Mesh2d_node_x"; },
   { key = "time";      val = "xtime,time_centered"; }

The default ugrid_metadata_map from UGridConfig_default will be overridden by the "UGridConfig_user" at the current working directory. This will be overridden by the configuration file, "ugrid_map_config".

ugrid_user_map_config = "/d1/personal/hsoh/data/MET-2231/ugrid_metadata_map.config";

How to handle vertical levels for MPAS?
MET does not allow a negative lower bound. Without handling vertical levels, FCST_LEV columns are empty (NA).

        double zCell(nCells) ;
                zCell:units = "m" ;
                zCell:long_name = "Cartesian z-coordinate of cells" ;

 zCell = 2849300.22215193, 2849300.23592602, 6371229, -2849300.22215219,
    -2849300.23592647, -2849300.18911285, 2849300.22944048,
    -2849300.22944073, -6371229, 2849300.2026535, -2849300.20265379,
    2849300.18911245, 3349553.28907785, -0.00621810533595908,
    0.0103280223263834, 3349553.3173988, 5419691.09266147,
    0.0245392207624739, 0.0289636509723273, 3349553.32185776,

As discussed on 9/21/23, the ugrid_user_map_config setting may get confusing if the metadata for all supported models is included in the same file. Consider providing separate config files for each model type, e.g. MPAS, LFriC, Netpune, and so on.

Working on the feature_2231_unstructured_grid branch to resolve linker issues we discovered when compiling inside the container. I'll update this comment with details about this process.

First, launch a dtcenter/met-base-unit-test:v3.1 container with the feature branch source code volume-mounted in. Run a script to compile the code within the container.

docker run -it --volume `pwd`/MET-feature_2231_unstructured_grid:/met/MET-feature_2231_unstructured_grid dtcenter/met-base-unit-test:v3.1 /bin/bash
export MET_GIT_NAME=feature_2231_unstructured_grid

I note that the updated version of autoconf in the container produces changes to the autoconf output (Makefile.in, configure, and so on). It's a whopping total of 151 modified files. I compared those to the contents of Julie's feature_2611_oneapi branch.

  • All of the Makefile.in files, aclocal.m4, compile, decomp, install-sh, missing, and ylwrap exactly match.

  • There are small diffs in config.guess which look to be bugs/typos fixed in this 2.71 autoconf instance. My version has a newer date (2022-01-09) than the Julie's version (2021-06-03).

    • Committed the files modified by upgrading from using autoconf version 2.69 to 2.71.
  • The output files generated by flex and bison are also updated since the Bison version is updated from 3.3.2 to 3.8.2.

  • The compilation fails for pb2nc:

calcape.o: file not recognized: file format not recognized

This is not actually an issue. It was due to the fact that calcape.o already existed and was compiled by the Fortran compiler on my Mac rather than the one in the container. Those versions are incompatible. Running make clean install deletes the .o files, forcing them to be recreated, which fixes the problem.

  • Update build_met_docker.sh by adding --enable-ugrid when running the configure script, and rerun the build_met_docker.sh script. That errors out as expected.
  • Modified configure.ac to for GRIB2, Python, and UGRID to differentiate between the internal MET libraries from the associated external dependencies.
    • Change from GRIB2_LIBS to GRIB2_MET_LIBS and GRIB2_DEP_LIBS.
  • Run the following to replaces all instances of the former with references to the latter:
for file in `find ./ -name "Makefile.am"`; do
  cat $file | \
    sed 's/$(GRIB2_LIBS)/$(GRIB2_MET_LIBS) $(GRIB2_DEP_LIBS)/g' | \
    sed 's/$(UGRID_LIBS)/$(UGRID_MET_LIBS) $(UGRID_DEP_LIBS)/g' > new
  mv new $file
  • Re-run build_met_docker.sh to get updated autoconf output files and commit those changes.
  • Manually modify 45 Makefile.am files that reference PYTHON_MET_LIBS, GRIB2_MET_LIBS, or UGRID_MET_LIBS to link the *_MET_LIBS entries with the other "data2d" libs after -lvx_data2d_factory and the *_DEP_LIBS entries at the end, just after -lvx_log.
  • Re-run build_met_docker.sh to see if these changes solve the compilation errors.
  • It all finally compiled (YEAH), and I committed/pushed the Makefile changes that work.