
SonarQube: Replace "enum" to "enum class"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

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Subtask of #2673.

The SonarQube suggests to use enum class instead of enum. The enum is converted to integer, So the different enum can be the same value. MET's solution is different names to avoid it like STATOutputType_None, FieldType_None, They can be changed to

enum STATOutputType {
   STATOutputType_None, // Do not output this line type
   STATOutputType_Stat, // Write output to the .stat file
   STATOutputType_Both  // Write output to .stat and .txt files
enum class STATOutputType {
   None, // Do not output this line type
   Stat, // Write output to the .stat file
   Both  // Write output to .stat and .txt files


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2771024 Air Force METplus

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  • For the next official version, select the MET-X.Y.Z Development project

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Enhancement Checklist

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  • Complete the issue definition above, including the Time Estimate and Funding Source.
  • Fork this repository or create a branch of develop.
    Branch name: feature_<Issue Number>_<Description>
  • Complete the development and test your changes.
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  • Define the pull request metadata, as permissions allow.
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  • Iterate until the reviewer(s) accept and merge your changes.
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  • Close this issue.

Following files were not updated because enum_to_string is applied

  • basic/vx_config/object_types.h
  • basic/vx_config/data_file_type.h
  • basic/vx_config/icode.h
  • basic/vx_util/ascii_table.h
  • basic/vx_math/affine.h
  • libcode/vx_bool_calc/token.h
  • libcode/vx_gis/shp_types.h
  • libcode/vx_afm/afm_keywords.h
  • libcode/vx_afm/afm_token_types.h
  • libcode/vx_ps/vx_ps.h
  • libcode/vx_data2d/level_info.h
  • tools/other/mode_time_domain/mtd_file_base.h
  • tools/other/mode_graphics/cgraph_main.h
  • tools/other/wwmca_tool/wwmca_ref.h

Following files are used at *yy:

  • basic/vx_config/threshold.h: ThreshType and PercThreshType

Following files have the assignment with enum+1

  • src/libcode/vx_tc_util/atcf_track_line.h: StepDirection