
Enhance Point2Grid to support a wider variety of input tripolar datasets

Closed this issue · 3 comments

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Describe the Enhancement

point2grid recognizes a CICE tripolar data as CF compliant NetCDF, but not as a point data. If the NC-CF file is not recognized as a point data, there is a sanity checking (evenly distributed latitude and longitude). The sanity checking prevents from handling a CICE tripolar data by point2grid.

point2grid recognizes CF compliant NetCDF file with 2D lat/lon as point data for following cases:

  • by checking standard_name attribute (UK tripolar data)
  • by checking units and axis/_CoordinateAxisType attribute

The enhancements are:

  • check the coordinates attribute.
  • make the latitude and longitude variables names configurable at Point2GridConfig file (with -config option). This is a manual step.

checking coordinates attributes is not simple because a CICE tripolar data has multiple coordinates attribute values:

        float dxe(nj, ni) ;
                dxe:long_name = "E cell width through middle" ;
                dxe:units = "m" ;
                dxe:coordinates = "ELON ELAT" ;
                dxe:missing_value = 1.e+30f ;
                dxe:_FillValue = 1.e+30f ;
        float ANGLE(nj, ni) ;
                ANGLE:long_name = "angle grid makes with latitude line on U grid" ;
                ANGLE:units = "radians" ;
                ANGLE:coordinates = "ULON ULAT" ;
                ANGLE:missing_value = 1.e+30f ;
                ANGLE:_FillValue = 1.e+30f ;
        float ANGLET(nj, ni) ;
                ANGLET:long_name = "angle grid makes with latitude line on T grid" ;
                ANGLET:units = "radians" ;
                ANGLET:coordinates = "TLON TLAT" ;
                ANGLET:missing_value = 1.e+30f ;
                ANGLET:_FillValue = 1.e+30f ;
        float hi_d(time, nj, ni) ;
                hi_d:units = "m" ;
                hi_d:long_name = "grid cell mean ice thickness" ;
                hi_d:coordinates = "TLON TLAT time" ;
                hi_d:cell_measures = "area: tarea" ;
                hi_d:comment = "ice volume per unit grid cell area" ;
                hi_d:missing_value = 1.e+30f ;
                hi_d:_FillValue = 1.e+30f ;
                hi_d:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
                hi_d:time_rep = "averaged" ;

The location of CICE tripolar data: seneca:/d1/personal/jopatz/workbench/tripolar/iceh.2018-01-03.c00.nc

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2 or 3 days of work.


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After checking NOAA's RTOFS and GFSv17 ocean datasets, there are some notes:

  • RTOFS appears to be CF-compliant and does not need to have additional development in order to utilize point2grid's interpolation methods
  • GFSv17 does not appear to be in CF-compliant format; a call to point2grid produces the following error:
ERROR  : process_data_file() -> "/d1/personal/jopatz/workbench/tripolar/GFS_ocean/gfs.ocean.t00z.6hr_avg.f006.nc" not a valid data file
  • I've taken these files, as well as the CICE files, and copied them over to /d1/projects/MET/MET_issues/feature_2857 on Seneca. There are subdirectories for each of the tripolar data sources.

A note on this is that every tripolar dataset we've been handed for testing has had a slightly different approach to file structure: a very simple example of this is that the CICE file uses the TLAT, TLON, ULAT, ULON, etc. for its variable coordinate attribute while the GFS data does not. So a "one size fits all" solution on this, such as checking the coordinate variable attribute might not work as previously expected.

For work completed so far on this issue:

lat/lon variables comes from "coordinates" attribute for CICE tripolar data are now recognized. point2grid supports multiple variables with different lat/lon variables, too.

  • hi_d:coordinates = "TLON TLAT time"
  • uvel_d:coordinates = "ULON ULAT time"

As an example, the following option is supported by reading TLON and TLAT variables for hi_d varibale, and ULON and ULAT variables for uvel_d.

-field 'name="uvel_d"; level="(0,*,*)";' -field 'name="hi_d"; level="(0,*,*)";'

One issue is not resolved. Howard is working on the lat/lon variable names from the configuration file. This is for when point2grid can not identify the lat/lon variables. User provides the lat/ lon variable names at the user defined config file. point2gird won't find the lat/lon variables in this case.

@hsoh-u or @j-opatz Can you please provide a status update and let me know if any more work is needed on this before the 12.0.0-beta5 release? Or should this be moved to beta6?