
Bugfix: Some AOD data was filtered out without -qc option with point2grid.

hsoh-u opened this issue · 0 comments

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point2grid produced the same output with -qc 0,1,2 (include high, medium, and low) and without -qc option even though the ADP data has no_retrieval. point2grid should not filter any data by ADP QC values without -qc option.

Describe the Problem

Provide a clear and concise description of the bug here.

Without -qc option, 10 data was filtered out by ADP QC flags.

DEBUG 4:    Filtered: by QC: 0, by adp QC: 10, by absent: 590193, total: 590203
DEBUG 4:    Range:  data: [-0.05000000075 - 4.999973297]  QC: [0 - 2]
DEBUG 4:    AOD QC: high=8092 medium=6910, low=47149, no_retrieval=0
DEBUG 4:    ADP QC: high=0 (4), medium=24 (87), low=62117 (62050), no_retrieval=10
DEBUG 4:    adjusted: high to medium=0, high to low=4, medium to low=63, total=67

Expected Behavior

Provide a clear and concise description of what you expected to happen here.
They should be filtered out.


Describe your runtime environment:
1. Machine: seneca
2. OS: RedHat Linux
3. Software version number(s): main v11.1 bugfix

To Reproduce

Describe the steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error
Post relevant sample data following these instructions:

./point2grid /d1/personal/hsoh/data/MET-2853/OR_ABI-L2-AODC-M6_G16_s20241100001171_e20241100003544_c20241100006242.nc G212 goes_aod_smoke_adp_high2.nc -adp /d1/personal/hsoh/data/MET-2853/OR_ABI-L2-ADPC-M6_G16_s20241100001171_e20241100003544_c20241100006361.nc -field 'name="AOD_Smoke"; level="*"; censor_thresh=[ <0 ]; censor_val=[0];' -v 4

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  • Complete the issue definition above, including the Time Estimate and Funding Source.
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  • Fix the bug and test your changes.
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