
Update URL in upgrade instruction video

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The METplus upgrade instruction video for deprecated MET config files (add link here when it is available) includes a link to the documentation section that contains the upgrade instructions. This URL points to the develop branch documentation because that is where the new content exists currently. It will not be available in a stable release version of the docs until the 6.0.0 release is created.

Describe the Task

After the METplus 6.0.0 release is created, update the URL in the video text to use the stable release version. I think this should be the main_v6.0 branch instead of the v6.0.0 tag so any fixes to the docs will be included.

Time Estimate

<1 hour

Relevant Deadlines

After v6.0.0

Funding Source


Define the Metadata


  • Select engineer(s) or no engineer required
  • Select scientist(s) or no scientist required


  • Select component(s)
  • Select priority
  • Select requestor(s)

Projects and Milestone

  • Select Repository and/or Organization level Project(s) or add alert: NEED CYCLE ASSIGNMENT label
  • Select Milestone as the next official version or Future Versions

Define Related Issue(s)

Consider the impact to the other METplus components.

Task Checklist

See the METplus Workflow for details.

  • Complete the issue definition above, including the Time Estimate and Funding Source.
  • Fork this repository or create a branch of develop.
    Branch name: feature_<Issue Number>_<Description>
  • Complete the development and test your changes.
  • Add/update log messages for easier debugging.
  • Add/update unit tests.
  • Add/update documentation.
  • Add any new Python packages to the METplus Components Python Requirements table.
  • Push local changes to GitHub.
  • Submit a pull request to merge into develop.
    Pull request: feature <Issue Number> <Description>
  • Define the pull request metadata, as permissions allow.
    Select: Reviewer(s) and Development issues
    Select: Repository level development cycle Project for the next official release
    Select: Milestone as the next official version
  • Iterate until the reviewer(s) accept and merge your changes.
  • Delete your fork or branch.
  • Close this issue.

I discussed this with @JohnHalleyGotway and we decided to include the main_v6.0 URL in the video instead of updating the link later. We will be embedding the video into the METplus User's Guide so we can point users to that page instead of the direct link to the video.