
My phone disconnects from raspberry stream

xfirebg opened this issue · 6 comments

Compatible Device

  • I'm running Raspotify on a compatible Device

Are you sure?

  • I'm not trying to run Raspotify on a ARMv6 device

Compatible OS

  • I'm running Raspotify on a compatible OS

Compatible Configuration

  • I'm running Raspotify on a compatible Configuration

Latest Version

  • I'm running the latest version of Raspotify

Are you sure?

  • I'm not running Raspotify on a Pi v1 or Pi Zero

Due Diligence

  • I have done my due diligence

What happened?

Hello, mi phone disconnects from my Pi straming service. Here is the log from the device.
After that I need to connect again with my phone.

Relevant log output and/or the contents of /etc/raspotify/crash_report if any ( sudo journalctl -u raspotify -b and sudo cat /etc/raspotify/crash_report )

Jul 13 14:10:24 raspberrypi librespot[1744]: [2023-07-13T11:10:24Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: MercuryError
Jul 13 14:10:24 raspberrypi librespot[1744]: [2023-07-13T11:10:24Z ERROR librespot_core::session] Connection reset by peer (os error 104)
Jul 13 14:10:24 raspberrypi librespot[1744]: [2023-07-13T11:10:24Z ERROR librespot_connect::spirc] subscription terminated
Jul 13 14:10:24 raspberrypi librespot[1744]: [2023-07-13T11:10:24Z WARN  librespot] Spirc shut down unexpectedly
Jul 13 14:10:24 raspberrypi librespot[1744]: [2023-07-13T11:10:24Z WARN  librespot_core::apresolve] Ignoring blacklisted access point ap-gue1.spotify.com:4070

See the upstream issue:


This is an upstream issue. You should file an issue with librespot.

I see that there is a fix to this in this topic: librespot-org/librespot#1129
How to implement this in Raspotify?

That's not a fix for 104's.

That's not a fix for 104's.

Strange, because there are 2 mentions in your link provided on the top. One is yours, the other one is of zborro. There I tracked that he explain for the 104's. So you need to told him that this is not the same issue too.

A fix to 104's would be reconnecting seamlessly.