
Short backtrace

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I have large codebase which uses anyhow::{Result, Context, bail} a lot,
and the errors don't tell much. No filename/line numbers at all.
Using RUST_BACKTRACE=1 is not convenient.

I found #22 but it will require many changes to add it everywhere.
Is there an elegant way to get short backtrace when error occur, just like we get it with unwrap()?


use anyhow::{Result, bail};

fn main() -> Result<()>  {

fn job() -> Result<()> {
    bail!("error in job")
cargo run
Error: error in job

Imagine large codebase with many errors coming from internal libraries... no idea where it happens.


You can call .backtrace() on the error value to get a backtrace you can print if RUST_BACKTRACE=1 or RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE=1 is used.

You can call .backtrace() on the error value to get a backtrace you can print if RUST_BACKTRACE=1 or RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE=1 is used.

it used Rust std::backtrace, so there is no direct access to frames, only std::fmt::Debug which is verbose