
Question: What is the LICENSE for this?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi Drew,

A friend and I are working on a workshop for a conference (non-commercial) and would like to know if we could use your code as a starting point? We didn't see a LICENSE file so were not sure if this is open source or not.

We will attribute you as the original developer if you are ok with that.


Hi Danilo,

I didn't put a license because I'm completely infringing on any rights Namco has to Pacman, so I didn't feel comfortable adding a license to it. It was a school project so I figured it wasn't too big of an issue. But yeah, feel free to use it in a non-commercial setting, just link to my github project, and I'm not responsible for any actions that Namco or any other Pacman rights owner might take :-). I'm in Chicago too, so I'd be interested to hear about the conference! I'm @nuncamind on twitter if you wanted to reach out through that channel as well.
