
maxHistoryToRetain configuration option

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I recently reached out to @dtschust in regards to to retaining history state in a production environment.

To quote the readme:

...For an application with heavy actions (such as network requests with large payloads) or very frequent actions, Redux Bug Reporter will gradually take up more and more memory. As such, it's probably a good idea to disable in production by default...

I would love to have a configuration where you could control the amount of state / (state) history saved this way.
A simple configuration of maxHistoryToRetain or a maxActionsToRetain

To quote @dtschust:

... That way as you use the app, redux bug reporter would only keep track of at most N actions, and when you filed a bug you'd be sent the state of the store before those N actions, the actions themselves, and the final state of the store.

In short a way to tighten the knit on the state/action history buckling up in a production environment.