Check for validity of announced IP of Avalon node leader
kekkyojin opened this issue · 2 comments
kekkyojin commented
DTube Avalon uses leaders which are the equivalent to Steem witnesses. They are listed on their own section. Those leaders should add their own IP -or hostname- so other nodes are able to connect to them. When hover the mouse over a leader which has provided a URL, the UI shows it.
It is currently not checking for the IP address to be a valid one. Web page will show that leader as enabled -not grayed- but nodes will be unable to connect to it.
skzap commented
Please recreate it on the UI's repo
The blockchain accepts arbitrary input for the account profile and I do not wish to alter this. I'd rather check for those shenanigans on the UI.
kekkyojin commented
Done -> dtube/dtube#110