Error: invalid signature
the-blogger opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello guys. I am getting an error declaring myself as a node leader using the below line:
node src/cli.js profile -K -M '{"node":{"ws":"ws://yourip:yourport"}}'
This is the line that I am executing along with the error that I am getting:
I just did this today, 12/25/2019!
I am using the same pub/private keys that I used to log into in the file.
I got the same error. Have the same private key in the file, same pk that I can log into, and same pk used when running the below command:
node src/cli.js profile -K -M '{"node":{"ws":"ws://yourip:yourport"}}'
It seems like there is a configuration missing or there is a bug in the /transact (post) api
All of you are able to use the same private key to login to and transact?
I think I know what's happening over there. From my output of curl http://localhost:3001/peers | jq
, looks like you are not fully replayed and receiving blocks.
Please restore the chain state from a backup and try again:
use avalon
wget$(date -u +%H).tar.gz
tar -xvf $(date -u +%H).tar.gz
mongorestore -d avalon .