
Add support for '_' to allow migration from other URL Shorteners

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Dub does not allow for underscores ('_') in the shortened name, which prevents migration from other shorteners that do support it.

@miles202 thanks for the feature request! Do you know which URL shorteners support _? AFAIK the main ones (Bitly, Rebrandly, etc.) don't support it

We are migrating from www.rebrandly.com and have one...just added a new one to test:


It allows it and it works.

@miles202 we could potentially allow _, but not as the first character in the key (e.g. fieldhub.link/test_one works, but fieldhub.link/_test wouldn't work). Would that work for you?

Yes that would work perfectly but I am personally ok without it. The few cases where we have it I can change to dash and re distribute the url since they are mostly internal. I just submitted the ticket to make sure there was good support for migrations from the legacy platforms generally. Thanks!!

@steven-tey can u please assign the issue to me, code change identified