
Local development setup error on Windows - can't start dev server

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi there ,

I'm trying to set up Dub in local dev env on Windows 11

When i run pnpm dev getting this error and ERROR run failed: command exited (1)


I found react-email was the problem so removed "email dev --port 3333" from dev script in apps/web

Server started but then I get Build Error

next js error

Changing postcss.config.js extention to postcss.config.cjs helps

It would be much appreciated if someone could help me with email cli problem

I'm using Windows 10 and pnpm@8.6.10 and facing the same issue. Hope someone fixes this soon.

You can try setting up on wsl worked for me.

@shreyash010 I tried setting up docker and the project in wsl but it takes forever to load localhost:8888.
Can you please tell me what sequence of steps you took to setup the project successfully.

Hi, @manish-pali, I fixed this issue in my system. It was a very silly mistake from my end though.

I created .env file in dub/ directory instead of dub/apps/web directory.
There's also a .env.example file for reference.
Once .env file was moved, all of my error were fixed.

If this works for you too you can close the issue.

Hello, @NirbhaySirsikar,
good to hear that it worked for you but I already placed my .env file in the right place

@manish-pali , Additional to that, closing instances of any localhost:3334 and localhost:8888 did work for me.
Also, let the script run without interfering with the system.

It works 80% of the time. If it doesn't I restart my terminal because sometimes files are resource locked.