
Save Actions does not work when detekt plugin is also enabled

marco-eckstein opened this issue · 4 comments

Save Actions does not work when the detekt plugin is also installed and enabled. This may be a bug in either plugin See other plugin's issue.

Hm, thanks for the report. Do you use the autoCorrect feature together with the formatting option?
It might be that they concurrently overwriting the files content.
Edit: ups wrong but also right issue :)

Hey @marco-eckstein, thank you for the issue. Hello @arturbosch, fellow plugin developer :D

Like @arturbosch said, probably the detekt plugin overrides the file previously saved by the save-actions plugin. I see a saveDocument here https://github.com/arturbosch/detekt-intellij-plugin/blob/f840b0c58d084c78d26e7436220303a9a41094bc/src/main/kotlin/io/gitlab/arturbosch/detekt/DetektAnnotator.kt#L48. Not sure the best way to fix this.

No, the autocorrect feature is disabled. Just installing and enabling the detekt plugin is enough to break Save Actions.

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