Gnome GTK Python App for Google Play Music, designed for use on Gnome desktop and Librem / Phosh mobile devices.
- Loading music library
- Steaming tracks, albums and playlists
- Playlist management, creating & deleting playlists, adding & removing tracks
- Searching tracks, albums and playlists
- Starting recommended 'radio' playlists
- Casting music to and controlling of chromecast devices
- A Google Play Music subscribtion is required
- gmusicapi python library:
- pychromecast library:
- Gnomecast icon courtesy of the Gnomecast project:
Moozik is currently a proof of concept and is very buggy and crashes frequently. It is the authors intention to completely rewrite Moozik early 2020. The autor will be seeking the suppport of a Gnome / GTK designer, if you're interested please get in touch!