Developed IA's are wrong on Contributor Profile
Opened this issue · 5 comments
On the new super-cool contributor profile it appears that I'm missing some IA's:
For me the following are appearing in Maintained but not developed:
- Bash Primary Expressions;
- Conversions;
- Regex Cheatsheet;
- IPLookup;
- Timediff (which is still in progress);
- Parcelforce
- UrlDecode
@alohaas says that the Developed tab should be anything I've contributed to which would probably also include:
- BloodType
- ColorCodes
- ResistorColors
- PeopleInSpace
However there are others that I've done more minor changes to (Tips for example), that also don't currently appear. I'm sure there are others, but their names escape me currently!
thanks @mintsoft . We've expected some of these issues would come up and appreciate the detailed list so we can check it out.
@mintsoft do you have your github account connected on Because the ones you mentioned all have your username in the contributors list. If you don't, could you please go to your profile and update your GitHub account?
Please let me know. Thanks!
@MariagraziaAlastra I do indeed!
@mintsoft cool, I'll look into this and see what's going on. Thanks again and sorry for the inconvenience!
No problem @MariagraziaAlastra I know I'm always trouble :D