
update Tencent (CN) potential domains to blocklist.

lottery248 opened this issue · 3 comments

since i didn't see any trackers that goes to CN servers, I hope DuckDuckGo will update the tracker radar with this company, which is Chinese government-owned.
current path: entities/Tencent Holdings Ltd..json

reference list of links:

edit, there are certain numbers of companies directly owned by Tencent, such as Hypixel Studios. ( )

Thanks for letting us know! We should definitely add to the entities/Tencent Holdings Ltd..json entry, but we haven't seen being used as a third party in our crawls (maybe because we don't currently crawl from China?). Two domains that we have seen, that seem to be tencent's, are:

due to the fact that China is notorious in big data to surveil its people, I believe they are doing the same overseas. (which i have mentioned in the op) has mentioned that the company owns more than 27k backlinks. if possible, i would wish to request adding them all and see if it would hint anything. this is potentially a major exposure, so i also suggest adding crawl from China as well.

ie. Tencent is possibly acting as a third party outside the sites they own in any percentage. for the worst scenario, Tencent and relevant companies are secretly tracking people and sending relevant data to China without complying with GDPR.

dharb commented

@lottery248 unfortunately backlinks don't necessarily indicate ownership. For example, there are 6262 backlinks for on, but the vast majority aren't owned by DuckDuckGo.

If you have a method to find more domains that Tencent definitely owns but we don't have in our entity data now, I welcome the contribution. You can either contribute directly by opening a PR or you can add them to this issue and I'll take a look. Just as a heads up, presence of a domain in an entity file does not imply it's a tracker that needs to be blocked--it just means the domain is owned by the entity.