
Cannot Launch Simulation

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi, I've encountered a problem when trying to setup the simulation environment by following notebooks/01-duckietown-classical-baseline.ipynb. Everything went on well until I tried to run roslaunch notebooks/lf_slim.launch, it does not find a launch file named inverse_kinematics_node.launch.

which instructions are you following?

I was following the instructions in notebooks/01-duckietown-classical-baseline.ipynb.
Note that I changed docker-compose -f docker-compose-lf.yml build to docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build because there is no file docker-compose-lf.yml in the directory.

I modified line 70 in notebooks/lf_sim.launch by changing inverse_kinematics_node.launch to kinematics_node.launch and the code runs. However, I still cannot see the simulation interface. The current terminal looks like:


inverse kinematics and kinematics don't do the same thing. Try the second hw exercise for now - I will update the first one

Sounds good!
Here is a list of issues I encountered when following the first notebook:

  1. When trying to clone the repo with the provided command git clone --recursive, the old link seems expired. I instead clone this repo.
  2. There is no docker-compose-lf.yml in the repository, so I switched to docker-compose.yml
  3. Directly running roslaunch notebooks/lf_slim.launch results in some errors, and I changed line 70 with kinematics_node.launch
  4. After all these, the visualization interface does not show up.

should be solved by 5a55e06