
Backup for Spicetify star ratings?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Are you gonna implement some sort of saving method so we don't lose our data incase something happens or needed to switch PCs?

duffey commented

The extension uses the playlists in the "Rated" folder to store the ratings. It will work even if you switch PCs. If you are worried about the playlists accidentally getting deleted you can make a copy of them, or export them to a spreadsheet, etc. with some other tool. If you want to reload them you can create a new Rated folder and add the playlists as 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, etc. and they will be read back. Does that make sense? Were you thinking of something else?

I was just wondering how saving is implemented, if at all, just in case Spotify is deleted or whatever. Which turns out to be the case. Thanks.