
Auto-generate new playlists when full?

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Is it possible if you max out one of the playlists or more, to make it auto-generate a new one? Maybe called 3.0(2) or something like that? I was just wondering in advance if that happens, what I should do.
Love the star ratings btw.

It seems like the limit is 10,000 songs per playlist. Are you close to that? It's possible, but I think it would complicate the playlist logic a lot on top of #6 which I would like to implement.

Yeah the limit is still 10,000 songs, and I believe the biggest one of my playlists is around 4000 right now, but expanding pretty rapidly.
I was just wondering about if it's possible, or at least some way to keep using the star ratings, if the playlists get filled up over time, without losing/deleting the ratings I already have made.
I like the idea of being able to change the names too, so I don't know if there's a way to implement it in a good way.

You could copy the songs to a backup playlist, but then the songs would no longer have stars displayed. Your naming rule would work well currently, but not when I allow the playlist name to be changed at any time (by having the extension track playlist ids). The extension would need to save multiple playlist ids per rating and also know which one is not full. Anyway, I'm going to implement the renaming ability first and then I'll think about doing this.

Yeah, looking forward to the re-naming ability, in the meantime I'll try to see if I can find a workaround that works for me with the ratings, thank you so much, and merry Christmas.

OK, feel free to reopen this later! I think it will need to be addressed at some point. Merry Christmas :)

Would like to see this implemented in the future. I have 12k songs in my Liked Songs playlist, and rating each and every track could potentially fill the playlists to the point of hitting the 10k limit on playlists. For now I've been rating "new" (i.e. unlistened) tracks only so I'm not hitting it any time soon (highest amount is 3.5 with 633 songs)

In any case though, it's no rush. Thanks for making this extension and dealing with the lag in updates on the Linux side (per #13)!

Hi again, I'm re-opening this as I'm beginning to near the threshold. The biggest one is now sitting at 7000 songs, so the limit is soon inevatable, Some possible ideas:

1: Make it auto-generate adding a (2) or something after the playlist name, like mentioned earlier.

2: Adding playlists to the rated folder, automatically loads the ratings, but that's probably a lot harder to do, and probably won't solve the issue.

Thanks again for making my Spotify experience so much better.

duffey commented

I've been thinking about this and I'm a bit stumped as to how to move forward. I think naming the playlists 3.5, 3.5 (2), 3.5 (3), etc. and removing the ability to rename playlists is the best because I realized renaming playlists only works on one computer since the playlists are kept track of via local storage. I think we ought to remove the ability to rename the rated folder and other playlists. However, doing so would cause anyone who made use of this feature to have to rename their playlists back to the 3.5, 4.0, etc. pattern. Keeping the ability to rename playlists and allowing multiple playlists per rating seems too complex. I'm not sure what do to.

Oh, I see that's kinda a tough decision to make. Just my thoughts here, let's see if you agree or not. :)
If it's either one of them, I'm thinking the renaming one probably is the least useful in the long run for people. I don't know how many uses that though, it could be more than I think. I have used it, but actually went back to the 3.0, 3.5 scheme again, as it made it easier to build other playlists around that. I still though have renamed the folder, but for me it could easily just be called "Rated" again, as I rarely use the folder when the rating's in place. But that's just how I use it, but I could imagine if people are listening to top lists, entire artistst, or artist radios and so on, the numbers would add up, even if they are spread quite evenly, especiallly for those that don't use the half star ratings, which luckily I am. But it's a tough decision to make if it's too complex to find a workaround to have both, but I can see why that's probably not an option, as it is right now.