
This app is written in React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project description

React application for displaying a table with data.


  • Sorting by columns: when you click on the name of a column, the rows of the table are sorted in ascending order, when you click again, in descending order;
  • Client-side pagination: data must be displayed per page, maximum 50 items per page;
  • Filtering: the component provides a text field in which the user can enter text and table rows whose data does not contain a substring entered by the user are hidden. Re-filtering is carried out by clicking on the "Find" button;
  • By clicking on a row in the table, the field values ​​are displayed in an additional block below the table;
  • Data is loaded into the table from the server;
  • Above the table there is an add button, by clicking on which the form for adding a row drops out;
  • After filling in all inputs, the Add to table button is activated, which inserts the filled row at the beginning of the table.