
.equals in KMF

brice-morin opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there a particular (I mean, useful) semantic on the .equals in KMF? Or is it stupidly mapped to java.lang.Object.equals (i.e. not overidden), which itself is basically mapped to Java's ==, which is not so useful in practice, e.g. if I am comparing two models (having of course all their elements !=...)

My typical use case: I basically want to test that KMF loaders and serializers work as they should i.e. (in pseudo-code)

myModel = load(...)
save(myModel, ...)
myNewModel = load(...)
assertTrue(myModel.equals(myNewModel))//should be true, if loader and serializer work fine

I am of course not interested in testing:

assertTrue(myModel == myNewModel)//will always be false, since objects are distincts, but equals (in principle)

with == to be interpreted in the Java sense

A good source of inspiration might be:

Of course, the generative approach of KMF should avoid all those reflexive calls, since we now exactly what we want to compare :-)

Closed by 19ec581

I am very happy for now, but might come back some time soon on that topic :-)