
protection of attribute names in the generator

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I created a EClass position and I added the attribute "long" in my ecore file.
During the KMF generation, it create a method setLong which produces the error below during the compilation :
Too many arguments for public abstract fun setLong (): jet.Unit of

Workaround : rename long --> longitude

Ecore file :




What is the type of this attribute ? EString ?

Hi Greg,

The type of the attribute is EInt. Can you also please add the type EDate ?


The initial problem with long should be fixed by e1a040b
As for the EInt, it should already work by default.
For the EDate, I'm not sure we can have a direct compatibility in JavaScript... so for the moment I suggest you use timestamps of type Long.

I'll close this issue and open a new one for the Date management.