

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Wabtyy commented

When im importing the accounts, nothink happens. there is just a blue loading bar on every account. i waited over 5 h but nothing happend.

In order to pinpoint the problem I would need an error log.

(I'm assuming you're on Windows)
To get the debug log you need to start the app with the --enable-logging parameter. The easiest way to do this is to edit the desktop shortcut and add --enable-logging to the very end of the Target field (make sure to add it after the " if there is one at the end and make sure there is a space before the argument.

Alternatively open a terminal in the install location (C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Programs\csgo-checker by default) and run "CSGO account checker.exe" --enable-logging

This will open an additional console or use the existing one if you went with the terminal method.

I want you to remove all accounts, restart the app, add a single account by hand, and observe the log output.

Ensure there is nothing sensitive in there, censor any account names if you want, and post the log here.

If you're the problem only occurs when importing accounts then do that instead. Also please specify how many accounts you're importing.

NOTE: This app is only meant to be used with an account you own, using it with invalid account details might cause Valve to temporarily block any further login attempts!

EDIT: just for reference, a successful account refresh looks like this:

Checking for update
Update for version 1.4.2 is not available (latest version: 1.4.2, downgrade is disallowed).
checkForUpdatesAndNotify called, downloadPromise is null
logged into account ou6fy63d4ymglti
app 730 launched on account ou6fy63d4ymglti
receivedFromGC 4004 on account ou6fy63d4ymglti
receivedFromGC 9173 on account ou6fy63d4ymglti
receivedFromGC 9110 on account ou6fy63d4ymglti
receivedFromGC 9173 on account ou6fy63d4ymglti
receivedFromGC 9194 on account ou6fy63d4ymglti
receivedFromGC 9194 on account ou6fy63d4ymglti
receivedFromGC 9194 on account ou6fy63d4ymglti
receivedFromGC 9110 on account ou6fy63d4ymglti
  prime: false,
  wins_dz: 0,
  rank_dz: 0,
  wins_wg: 0,
  rank_wg: 0,
  penalty_reason: 0,
  penalty_seconds: 0,
  wins: 0,
  rank: 0,
  name: 'uineafowld4cellini41',
  lvl: 1,
  steamid: '76561199129797283',
  error: null
receivedFromGC 9173 on account ou6fy63d4ymglti
stale commented

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

T4lk commented

had same issue launched with admin rights fixed the issue

had same issue launched with admin rights fixed the issue

Weird, this program shouldn't require admin rights for anything. If you don't mind then try to get the error log like I described above when not running as admin. I would love to know what the cause is and maybe fix it.

T4lk commented

seems like just nothing happens no idea
this only works on accounts that are getting added for the first time, if u add it with admin rights it will work normally

T4lk commented

seems like it only happens with steam accounts that have the steam mobile authenticator
The same account launched with admin rights and adding for first time

So it breaks when you add an account that has steam mobile authenticator without admin, correct?

T4lk commented


An update has been released, I haven't done anything specific related to this issue, but please try it and see if the problem still exists. It might have been fixed as a result of one of the dependencies being updated.

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.