
DataCloneError saving an object with a function key

arolson101 opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm using dexie-observable under node.js through fake-indexeddb. Through a series of events it ends up calling put on an object with a save prototype method, which fails because lodash's isPlainObject returns false:

    } else if (!isPlainObject(input)) {
        // This is way too restrictive. Should be able to clone any object that isn't
        // a platform object with an internal slot other than [[Prototype]] or [[Extensible]].
        // But need to reject all platform objects, except those whitelisted for cloning
        // (ie, those with a [[Clone]] internal method), and this errs on the side of caution
        // for now.

        // Supposed to also handle FileList, ImageData, ImageBitmap, but fuck it
        throw new DataCloneError();
    } else {

According to the structured clone algorithm this should be ok- the object will be duplicated but "The prototype chain does not get walked and duplicated".

For comparison, Chrome's IndexedDB implementation allows the object to be saved.

reference: dexie/Dexie.js#647

Thanks for the bug report and the link to the Dexie discussion. I will have to try typeson some time and see how it performs.

This is fixed in realistic-structured-clone v2.0.0 and fake-indexeddb v2.0.4. Thanks again for the bug report!

Your bug report also led to a couple unrelated bug fixes in Typeson because I noticed some minor issues there when I started playing around with it.