This project intends to develop a script to convert the annoying CAJ/NH files into PDF format, with the help of pyPDF.
It is still in very early stages, and even cannot read the CAJ properly at the moment......
The script itself is not written yet, the repo only has a simple test script.

About CAJ Files

CAJ Files are used for China Academic Journals Database, whose format is similar to PDF in some ways.
But it can ONLY be viewed by CAJViewer, which is very big and useless in my opinion.

NH Files

Maybe it is similar to CAJ, but I haven't analyzed it yet



本项目根本的出发点就是把蛋疼的CAJ/NH格式文件转换到PDF (╯‵□′)╯︵┴─────┴ CAJViewer什么的 <(  ̄︿ ̄)︵θ︵θ︵θ︵θ︵☆(>口<-) 目前还停留在分析、读取CAJ文件的阶段。。。。。


寻求帮助 是 android 版中主要代码,现已将有偿反编译的文件添加进项目。CAJ/NH的读写方式,甚至加密手段都应存在这个反编译的 libreadreex.c 中。但自认代码渣,10行+ 的代码无福消受。故请各位能人,能先把文件中的类解耦出来,然后我们分工协作,照着代码写一遍。也欢迎各位能提供反编译重写的资料,以此来造福千千万使用 Linux 的莘莘学(diao)子(si)。