
Rust computer vision camera stream

Primary LanguageRust

Camera stream for use in the CV system

This crate provides the ability to acquire images from a camera stream, rectify those images, and return them for further processing. Under the hood this uses rscam to access cameras over V4L2, therefore currently only Linux is supported.


Before installing make sure that the following dependencies are installed:

  • V4L2 - video for linux 2, including the dev headers


sudo apt install v4l-utils libv4l-dev


Once the dependencies are met add the following to your project's Cargo.toml

cv_camstream = "0.1"


This crate provides support for mono and stereo cameras through a builder API CamStreamBuilder.

// Example mono camera builder pattern
let camera = CamStreamBuilder::new()
    // Create a mono camera object
    // The path that the device can be found at, which returns a result
    .expect("Cannot find camera at specified path")
    // Path to the camera's rectification parameter file
    // Alternatively use .no_rectification() or .rectif_params(...)
    .expect("Cannot find rectification parameters file")
    // Set rscam parameters, like interval, resolution, and format
    .interval(1, 30)
    .resolution(640, 480)
    .expect("Unsupported image format")
    // Construct the object
    .expect("Failed to open camera");

Once the camera object has been built it is accessed through:

let img = camera.capture().expect("Failed to get camera image")

which returns an GrayFloatImage result.

For stereo cameras the process is similar, although you must specify the left and right path seperately through left_path and right_path. A StereoCamStream object returns StereoFrames, a struct which contains the left and right image respectively. Convenience functions are provided to convert a frame into pairs (tuples) of different types of images from the image crate.