
how to generate call graph on a function and not a package

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How is one supposed to create a call-graph using makeCallGraph on a function call?

For example, if I wanted to know all the functions that get called by doing:

lm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars)

I would have thought I would do something like:

gg = makeCallGraph("lm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars)")

But I get the error:

Error in .local(obj, all, ...) : 
Don't know how to make a call graph from this string: lm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars)

I was also wondering if this is possible. From the documentation at
it appears that it currently only accepts packages. However in the vignette it says "We can also create call graphs for functions or entire packages", so I am not sure

Hi, so sorry this apparently slipped by my radar for a full year (mea culpa).

The issue here is that you can't build a callGraph for a specific invocation, only for functions or packages as a whole.

gg <- makeCallGraph("lm", all  = TRUE)
> nodes(gg)
 [1] "-"              "!"              "!="             ".getXlevels"   
 [5] "["              "[[<-"           "{"              "*"             
 [9] "&&"             "<-"             "=="             "$<-"           
[13] "as.vector"      "attr"           "c"              "class<-"       
[17] "eval"           "gettextf"       "if"             "is.empty.model"
[21] "is.matrix"      "is.null"        "is.numeric"     "length"        
[25] "list"           "lm.fit"         "lm.wfit"        "match"         
[29] "match.call"     "matrix"         "model.matrix"   "model.offset"  
[33] "model.response" "model.weights"  "names"          "ncol"          
[37] "nrow"           "NROW"           "numeric"        "parent.frame"  
[41] "quote"          "return"         "stop"           "sum"           
[45] "warning"        "lm"            

does work for me, though from what I'm seeing its not properly (fully) recursive, as .getXlevels contains a call to vapply which doesn't appear here. I will try to find time to investigate that.

The CodeAnalysis package is probably a better place to get this functionality.
You will also need to install rstatic. Both packages should be installed directly from the code on github.

@duncantl does the functionality in https://github.com/duncantl/CodeAnalysis fully subsume makeCallGraph in this package? If so, we should deprecate/remove the functions in this package (instead of me going in to fix them).

A very brief glance at callGraph.R didn't show me the option for being recursive, but then, the recursive argument here isn't connected to anything, so I guess that's a wash?

FYI, I added this top-level functionality in CodeAnalysis, i.e.,

g = callGraph(quote ( lm ( mpg ~ wt + cyl, mtcars) )  ), recursive = 2)

gives the call information and draws the graph. One can use recursive = TRUE or recursive = positive.integer to get the entire call graph (typically way to big and takes a while) or the first "positive.integer" descendants/layers from the current call.

One can use callGraph( "lm ( mpg ~ wt + cyl, mtcars) ", recursive = 3) but working directly with the language objects is better, e.g., quote above or

callGraph(parse(text = codeString) , recursive = 2)