
Mindmap approach to coding?

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I love your implementation. I had this vision and your implementation is the closest to it.
Just an idea...
What if you can visualize your code as a mind map? Not just markdown.
Mind maps let you group ideas and move them around. I see code as group ideas (classes) that you can move around.
All the details will still be in the text view for implementation of a function. But common blocks can be identified in the code. There will be always a function name, there is a begin-end markers, there are classes with begin-end, and so on.

Hi, this could be possible. One just needs to implement a different parser to produce the underlying data, but the code visualizing the mindmap can be reused. It would be interesting to base it on Language Server Protocol, so that you can have one parser but support many different programming languages.

Another research that I find cool that you might be interested in was the Code Bubbles.

If I had another lifetime I would be curios to explore this more :)