
[BUG] powerline-shell prompt eats stdout

Opened this issue · 5 comments

As you see, the prompt is eating a line from stdout:

upper -u | cat

My .powerline-shell.json:

  "segments": [
  "theme": "~/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/powerline_shell/themes/solarized_light.py"

What is this upper command?


(defcmd upper clojure.string/upper-case) 

I see, it is indeed a bug. However, it is not caused by powerline, it is just a bug in the pipeline implementation. I will look into it when I have some more time.

After some digging it really seems to be caused by a combination of readline+powerline. If the last line of the output does not end with newline, the prompt gets placed on the same line, therefore "eating" the line. The simplest case to reproduce is echo -n x. The bug does not happen with the default plain prompt.