
installing closh failes

Closed this issue · 5 comments

installing closh fails.
i've traced it down to the sqlite3 dep failing, with this error:

the fix seems to be to upgrade to sqlite3 v4, I don't know how complicated that will be for you,
but in either way, is there a workaround to this? I would like to start trying closh for the last few hours but couldn't pass the installation phase.

Could you try switching to node v9 and reinstalling closh? A convenient way to switch node versions is nvm.

yeah, OK, that works...

should I have seen that that's the version I should use?

It is in the readme with install instructions, but maybe it could be improved to make it more noticable?

maybe add a dependency section?
this would be good just for the sake of being noob friendly.

either way you can probably close this issue, no?

I added a version check to the install script now, so it should be more obvious for the people in the future.