
Trino Superset CSV Upload Error 'Cursor' object has no attribute 'lastrowid'

riazarbi opened this issue · 1 comments


I've connected trino to superset and am able to load data into superset from trino. I have tried to enable CSV upload to my trino cluster from superset, but am receiving an error:

Unable to upload CSV file "sqllab_query_sf_population_polygons_20210315T102218.csv" to table "sample" in database "LAKE". Error message: 'Cursor' object has no attribute 'lastrowid' 

I'm assuming this is a sqlalchemy-trino issue as that is the driver I am using. CSV upload to other databases, sich as Postgres, works fine.

Here is an example of my dataset.

> cat sqllab_query_sf_population_polygons_20210315T102218.csv | column -t -s ","
zipcode  population  area
94107    26599       6.11
94105    5846        1.23
94129    3183        6.11
94121    41203       5.69
94118    38319       4.07
94123    23088       2.74
94133    26237       1.91
94109    55984       2.74
94111    3713        0.9
94104    406         0.18

I appreciate that there are a lot of moving parts here, and that the error could be in superset, or pandas, or trino-sqlalchemy, or trino, or my minio-based backing store.

Any suggestions on how I might go about eliminating trino-sqlalchemy as the root cause?

Let's me check it out :)