Wagon War
This is an experimental project developed with Cocos2d-x 3.0 and Google Games Play Services.
The code of this project is licensed under MIT.
Musics are copyrighted by Matthew Pablo, and licensed under CC-BY 3.0
You may not use any art from this project for commercial purpose.
Cocos2d-x is a popular game engine for mobile devices. It has over 400,000 developers world wide, and games made with Cocos2d-x dominates top charts for iOS and Android. For more details, please visit Cocos2d-x official website.
###Google Games Play Services
The Google Play Games C++ SDK provides a C++ API for use with Google Play games services, Wagon War was developed with this C++ SDK. The following features are inclued by the game.
Turn-based Multiplayer
###How to start the game?
Wagon War is only supported to build and run on Android deveices only.
Before you build the game , you must regist an account of Google Play Developer Console, and add the game to the Google Play Developer Console.
Clone the repository to your Mac.
Download the Google Play Games Services C++ SDK from the Downloads page. Then copy the /gpg-cpp-sdk/android/include/gpg/*.h to WargonWar/cocos2d/external/gpg/include/android/gpg/, copy the gpg-cpp-sdk/android/lib/gnustl/ to WargonWar/cocos2d/external/gpg/prebuilt/android/. The following image shows the library files and directory structure.
Enter the folder of proj.android ,open the terminal and run the following command to build .so library.
Import the Cocos2d-x project in Eclipse.
Import the google-play-service-lib package and libcocos2dx in Eclipse as the dependent libraries of Cocos2d-x project.
Replace your app_id, leaderboards_id and achievements_id in proj.android/AndroidMainfest.xml and Classes/GPGSChecker.cpp. Don't forget to add your google test account to the whitelist in Google Play Developer Console.
Complie and Run.